Here are the committees and the chairpersons of the first edition of Coșbuc Moot
International Criminal Court
The Prosecutor v. Jean-Pierre Bemba
The International Criminal Court (ICC) accused Congolese military commander of Mouvement de libération du Congo Jean-Pierre Bemba of war crimes and of crimes against humanity (2002-2003)
A warrant of Arrest was sent out on 10th June 2008 and trial began in November 2010. The Mouvement de libération du Congo led by Bemba was created with the reason of overthrowing the Kabila government of Congo. Charges against Bemba include murder, rape and pillaging.
On the freeze date of 22 November 2010, it is up to you, prospective delegates, to decide this trial's outcome!
Supreme Court of the United States
Kahler v. Kansas
Have you ever heard of the "Insanity Defense" in Criminal Proceedings? If you have, it is probably because of the landmark case, "Kahler v. Kansas", tried by the Supreme Court of the United States, in 2020. During this, it was decided to what extent may a mentally-ill person be exonerated of their crimes, due to their psychological condition. Mr. Kahler did not contest the crimes of which he was being accused: grave murder.However he argued that he should not be punished for them, because he was not aware of the consequences his actions would lead to. Is this argument enough to save Mr. Kahler's life, who is currently on Death Row? Join us in the Supreme Court, as a Barrister or Justice to find out!
International Court of Justice
Colombia v. Peru
Victor Raúl Haya de la Torre is a political leader accused of having instigated a military rebellion in Peru. On 3 January 1949, he was granted a diplomatic asylum in the Colombian Embassy, at Lima. Nevertheless, the Pan-American Havana Convention on Asylum, signed in 1928, in certain conditions, asylum can be granted in a foreign embassy to a national political refugee. The question is whether Colombia, the state that that granted the asylum, was entitled to qualify the offence as a political offence or a common crime.
Come to the International Court of Jutice of this edition of Coşbuc Moot to find out!
Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție
Infracțiune de furt comisă de un senator în România
Infracțiunea de furt este una mult răspândită în întreaga lume și este, în concordanță cu gravitatea ei, și aspru sancționată.
Dar ce îi îndeamnă pe oameni să comită o astfel de faptă ? Care este motivul și cât de departe ar duce actul ?
Cel mai important, ce se întâmplă când un om la putere profită de acest statut și este pus în situația în care are de ales între justiție și salvarea unui om drag ?
Așadar, dacă sunteți dornici să participați la rezolvarea unui astfel de caz bazat pe una dintre probabil cele mai intrigante și răspândite teme, vă invităm la ICCJ!!